dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2009

And yet...

My soul is full of winter
decadence and plastic ice
I strive to frame a picture
where you can realise
that I've been here all along
and I haven't lost my mind
though I just keep a handful
of those marbles you gave me last
for us to play in silence
filling the holes of our paths
with colours for the future
of which I'd like to take part.

dilluns, 20 de juliol del 2009


I don't know what I'm living,
don't quite know where I belong,
just feeling a little bit uncertain,
how to tell what is right from wrong.

Need to know I'm back on track,
footprints can be finally seen,
would be tough to sweep under this rug,
so much said, so much redeemed.

But days show no remorse,
no views of distant lands,
some language becomes coarse,
all of a sudden, like your demands.

diumenge, 12 de juliol del 2009


I am dying inside
out of reach and out of sight
while seven hours in seven days
leave me watching a distant haze
hoping for some feelings to subside.

dawn turns its back to dusk
covers my skin with a lot of dust
clouds loom and cry so hard
one can't avoid feeling scarred
cause the air tastes as we've discussed.

time flows by my side
keeps an eye on me, holds me tight
cheers me up when daylight's down
can't complain when no one's around
don't know how to get things right.

dilluns, 6 de juliol del 2009

Save Me

dimecres, 24 de juny del 2009

This is quite something

dilluns, 22 de juny del 2009

Someone else

I don't want to be me,
want to fall endlessly,
through a hole in the ground
with a sign pointing down
stating 'here you'll be safe and sound'.

I want to be them,
with no cars and no gems,
with no trying to pretend
there's a beginning, but no end.

dissabte, 30 de maig del 2009

How come

your blessings,
your eyes watching,
my mind drifting
you moving,
me receiving,
not thinking,
my mind, for a while, blinking,
and, again, thinking
how come loving
is made so easy,
for once,
and desiring,
five minutes to keep writing
your name
in my feelings.